The WashU Data Viz Competition is featured as part of Love Data Week and is supported by the Digital Intelligence & Innovation (DI2) Accelerator, Institutional Effectiveness, Here & Next, the Office of Medical Education, WashU Libraries, IT Data Management & Analytics, Arts & Sciences, the Brown School Evaluation Center, Bernard Becker Medical Library, and the University Registrar.

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2025 Winners Announced

View the winners of the 2025 WashU Data Viz Competition here.

About the Competition

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in the inaugural WashU Data Viz Competition. Participants will compete to transform a provided data set into an engaging visual story. This competition promotes innovation in data visualization using tools like Tableau and Power BI, helping participants better interpret and communicate data.

Participants and the WashU community are encouraged to register to attend a showcase of the competition entries and cast their votes for the People’s Choice Award at the Awards Reception.


Awards will be given in two categories: students and faculty/staff. There will be a first-, second- and third-place award for both categories. Additionally, a People’s Choice Award for each category will be selected by attendees at the award reception. Winners will be featured on WashU’s digital platforms and social media.


  • First Place: $150 gift card
  • Second Place: $100 gift card
  • Third Place: $50 gift card
  • People’s Choice Award: $50 gift card


  • First Place: $150 gift card
  • Second Place: $100 gift card
  • Third Place: $50 gift card
  • People’s Choice Award: $50 gift card

The competition is open to WashU students, faculty and staff.

  • Students must be currently enrolled at the university, either as undergraduate, graduate, or continuing education students, actively engaged in coursework, thesis, or dissertation work.
  • Faculty, staff, or trainees (postdocs, residents and fellows) must be actively employed by the university and engaged in research, academic, clinical, or administrative roles. 
  • Participants may form cross-functional teams, or submit individual entries. A single team captain will submit the entry and receive the award.
  • Entries must include a minimum of one data visualization.
  • Any tool (or a combination of tools) may be used. The competition is tool-agnostic
  • Participants must include a citation/credit section within the submission to attribute support and data sources.
  • All submissions must comply with institutional data policies: Data Sharing Agreement, Research Data Management.
  • All visualizations must be accessible through a public link that does not require a login during the judging and showcase phases.
  • All submissions must adhere to WashU’s institutional data policies, with no inclusion of sensitive information, such as Social Security Numbers, HIPAA-protected health data, or confidential student records. 

Student Requirements

  • Students must use the supplied dataset, now available.
  • Additional publicly available data may be used to supplement the primary dataset. 

Faculty/Staff/Trainee Requirements 

  • Faculty and staff may use the supplied dataset, now available.
  • Additional publicly available data may be used to supplement the primary dataset. 
Submission deadlineThursday, Feb. 6, 5 p.m. CT
Submissions reviewedFriday, Feb. 7 – Tuesday, Feb. 11
Awards ReceptionThursday, Feb. 13, 4 – 6 p.m.
Judging criteria
  1. Communication and narrative:
    • Does it tells a compelling and clear story?
    • Is the narrative logical and engaging?
    • Does it deepen understanding of the data or theme?
  1. Design and aesthetic quality:
    • Is the design aesthetically pleasing?
    • Are layout, typeface, and/or colors used appropriately to enhance understanding?
    • Are labels, titles, and data points easy to read and well-organized?
  1. Data integrity and accuracy:
    • Are the data accurate and from a reliable source?Are data sources clearly cited?
    • Are findings correctly represented?  
    • If original data processing is involved, is it transparent?
  1. Accessibility and inclusivity:
    • Does the design decisions to support interactions with all users?
    • Consider color contrast, color blindness and altext where applicable.  visuals color-blind friendly?
    • Does it use inclusive language, and considering representation of equity appropriately?
  2. Creativity and originality:
    • Does it employ creative techniques and design approach?
    • Is this a novel way of displaying data?
Tools and Resources

The inaugural 2025 Love Data Week Data Visualization competition is tool-agnostic, welcoming diverse approaches to data visualization.

For questions regarding the submission form, please contact Christy Potthast at